
Consulting History #

AI Alchemsists Jun 2023-Present #

In June 2023 I joined the SURF Incubator Hackathon 4.0. I met some new people, we formed a team, and we won! Our idea was StudyBuddy, a product for college students that would be their personal tutor based on their textbook. While we got to pitch to VC's, they were bearish on investing in EdTech but were curious to see what we could produce. In the meantime, my teammates and I created a consulting company and we have a client and a few in the works. Website for the consultancy coming soon.

Green Air Supply - Jan-Feb 2023 #

Green Air Supply is a company that makes nitrogen separators. One of the founders wanted to have a GPT3 chatbot for the 2023 Beverage trade show. I made them a chatbot that would consider their documentation and previous customer interactions to answer any questions a new customer or operator might have about their products. You check out the Bev-Bot here. Additionally, here is the HuggingFace demo and code.

Screenshot of the Bev-bot on the Green Air Supply website.
Screenshot of the Bev-bot on the Green Air Supply website. - 2018-2020 #

I redesigned the website and updated their email management. Sent out monthly newletters and managed the booking functions on the website for the events. I handed it off when I left for my Master’s degree in China.

Rooster Boy Granola - 2016-2018 #

I made a Squarespace site for Chef Sonia El-Nawal. Listed products and made sure the shipping was setup correctly. It was fun but she didn’t get the sales she was hoping for. Eventually I left Las Vegas (where I was living at the time) and we had to sadly part ways.